Berteman, Enggak Ada Ruginya

Career networking semestinya dibangun sejak pertama kali kita menginjakkan kaki di dunia kerja. Bila merasa relasi Anda itu-itu saja, pertanda saatnya Anda bergaul lagi. Atasi kendala yang membuat langkah Anda terhambat."Teman saya punya...
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Sikh Priest Sets New Record for World’s Longest Beard

Bhai Sarwan Singh, the head priest of Surrey’s Guru Nanak Sikh temple, was already acknowledged as the man with the world’s longest beard, but now, his facial hair is even longer. The Sikh priest was recently invited to take part in a television show, in Rome Italy, where he had his beard measured. After carefully measuring his beard, from the tip...
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Mallakhamb – Extreme Indian Pole Dancing

Modern pole-dancing may be attractive to look-at, but in terms of difficulty, it’s nothing to the old Indian sport of Mallakhamb. Mallakhamb originated in Maharastra, India, during the 12th century, as a form of training for wrestlers. The word “Malla” means wrestler, while “khamb” translates as pole. This old art had almost been lost throughout the...
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Death Star Watermelon and Cantaloupe

They say you shouldn’t play with your food, but when something as awesome as the Death Star is involved, rules don’t really apply. And plus, it’s food art! The Death Star cantaloupe isn’t very new, It was showcased for the first time in 2008, on the Evil Scientist blog, together with hints on how to make your own. Apparently, all you need is the cantaloupe,...
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Foto Panas Dara The Virgin Dengan Pacar

Dara Rizki Ruhiana yang awalnya lebih dikenal sebagai Dara Mamamia kali ini lebih populer dengan sebutan Dara The Virgin. Bersama Cameria Happy Pramita, Dara melaju pesat ngebentuk The Virgin...
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