Rumus Melihat Pr Dari backlinks

Pagerank memang banyak dibutuhkan oleh kalangan blogger yang ingin memulai bisnis internet, atau untuk mengejar popularitas. beberapa artikel yang sering saya kupas mengenai pagerank adalah memperbanyak jumlah backlink yang kita miliki.Beberapa trik dan tips tersebut memang terkesan sudah kuno dan banyak dilakukan oleh banyak orang, namun dalam dunia...
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Number line

In mathematics, a number line is a picture of a straight line on which every point is assumed to correspond to a real number and every real number to a point. Often the integers are shown as specially-marked points evenly spaced on the line. Although this image only shows the integers from −9 to 9, the line includes all real numbers, continuing "forever"...
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Mathematics education

Mathematics education is the practice of teaching and learning mathematics, as well as the field of scholarly research on this practice. Researchers in mathematics education are primarily concerned with the tools, methods and approaches that facilitate practice or the study of practice. However mathematics education research, known on the continent...
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Gaussian elimination

In linear algebra, Gaussian elimination is an algorithm for solving systems of linear equations, finding the rank of a matrix, and calculating the inverse of an invertible square matrix. Gaussian elimination is named after German mathematician and scientist Carl Friedrich Gauss. Elementary row operations are used to reduce a matrix to row echelon form....
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Binary operation

In mathematics, a binary operation is a calculation involving two operands, in other words, an operation whose arity is two. Examples include the familiar arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. More precisely, a binary operation on a set S is a ternary relation that maps elements of the Cartesian product S × S...
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Commutative algebra

Commutative algebra is the branch of abstract algebra that studies commutative rings, their ideals, and modules over such rings. Both algebraic geometry and algebraic number theory build on commutative algebra. Prominent examples of commutative rings include polynomial rings, rings of algebraic integers, including the ordinary integers , and p-adic...
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Field theory (mathematics)

Field theory is a branch of mathematics which studies the properties of fields. A field is a mathematical entity for which addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are well-defined. Please refer to Glossary of field theory for some basic definitions in field theory.History The concept of field was used implicitly by Niels Henrik Abel and...
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Ring theory

In mathematics, ring theory is the study of rings; algebraic structures in which addition and multiplication are defined and have similar properties to those familiar from the integers. Ring theory studies the structure of rings, their representations, or, in different language, modules, special classes of rings (group rings, division rings, universal...
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Group theory

In mathematics and abstract algebra, group theory studies the algebraic structures known as groups. More poetically, “ Group theory is the branch of mathematics that answers the question, "What is symmetry?" ” —Nathan C. Carter (2009, p. 5) The concept of a group is central to abstract algebra: other well-known algebraic structures, such as...
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